"We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing each other"
-- Luciano De Crescenzo, Italian Writer and Film maker

Our Leadership
The school has a senior leadership team which is led by the head teacher and supported by Clarke Group. We have a shared leadership model where together we work towards our goals, challenging and supporting each other to grow. School leaders of learning, subject leaders and year group leaders ensure that students are reaching their potential and regularly review and reflect on the curriculum delivery and classroom practices, the professional learning needs of the teachers, assessment data and general running of the school.
Professional Learning for individual leaders and middle leaders is provided in the form of our School Leadership and Management Programme which is designed to develop skilled, effective and inspiring school leaders, able to skilfully apply shared leadership models and to create and sustain a school culture focused on learning.
Our Governance
Clarke Junior School has an active Parents Advisory Board. Members are chosen through a rigorous selection process, our board members offer the range of expertise necessary for the strategic development of the school to inspire and improve learning.
Corporate level services provided through the Clarke Group and associated Learning Consultancy provide additional support to the school community in terms of Finance, Curriculum, Professional Learning of Teachers, Recruitment and Marketing. This provision of expertise allows the school Leadership Team to focus on learning as well as benefit from innovation and best practice across the group.
The parent association provides invaluable support to all aspects of running the school. A parent representative provide invaluable means of communication and ensures all bodies have a voice.
The student-led school council is responsible for areas of decision-making and are consulted as necessary by the leadership teams.