With such a long break from school, followed by rapid growth in 2022, we have had to adapt and adjust as a school. We hope you always feel free to get in touch with management and teachers at CJS with any compliments, concerns or suggestions. We would also appreciate if you could complete this form to help us understand your perspectives on our strengths and areas to work on at CJS. We greatly value this feedback. Please fill out this brief form

For sports day at CJS, our goal is to ensure all children are active and having fun for as much of the time as they can - rather than most of the children watching a few children in each event. This required planning of activities, complicated rotation sheets and organisation of every child into fair teams. All the children need to know what teams they are in, all the staff need to understand the activities, and children need to transition smoothly from one activity to the next. 

This required a lot of planning, and a little stress as well! But as soon as that first whistle blows, and the children start their activities, all that stress melts away, and is replaced with delight and joy!

We hope our parents had as much fun as the staff and children! Lots of photos can be found here, should you wish to relive the 2 sports days!